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Oxy Sterile Spray
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Code: PAG-961-250S (250 ml) 


Oxy Sterile Spray

Swiss refreshing purity for face and body!

Unique, sterilised, oxygenated Swiss water spray for ultimate refreshment.
Oxy Sterile Spray is pure water enriched with a high concentration of pure oxygen for:

  • Moisturizing
  • Refreshing
  • Vitalizing
  • Balancing
  • Calming
  • Relieving
  • Protecting

Oxy Sterile Spray is the only STERILE product of it’s kind on the market making it suitable for babies, women's, and men's skin for cosmetic treatments, certain injuries, but also in combination with BIOPTRON Light Therapy.

Oxy supports your skin's functions, helps to fight environmental pollution, air conditioning and the drying effects of central heating. Although a cosmetic product, thanks to its unique sterilisation it could be used for dressing minor wounds and skin injuries.

On its own Oxy Sterile Spray can be used whenever you want to refresh and vitalize the skin. Combined with other cosmetic products it can be used to complete the facial cleansing and as a finishing touch to the daily skin care. Subtlest dispersion of the spray also allows the use over make up for fixation.

Oxy Sterile Spray is suitable not only for the face but for the entire body. Simply spray a thin layer  on the skin. Do not wipe or pat dray, but let it dry by itself.

Oxy Sterile Spray is a natural and unique skin care product formulated to provide our human skin with hydration and vitality. Our skin needs oxygen and water to stay healthy. In the process of ageing our skin vitality depends increasingly on sufficient supply of oxygen and water. A lack of oxygen can result in a change of the skin's metabolism causing the skin respiration to slow down, what finally can cause premature skin ageing. Oxy Sterile Spray can help your skin to look healthier and more beautiful.

Oxy Sterile Spray is the only STERILE product is suitable for babies, women's, and men's skin for cosmetic treatments, certain injuries, but also in combination with BIOPTRON Light Therapy.

Although a cosmetic product, thanks to its unique sterilisation it could be used for dressing minor wounds and skin injuries


Oxy Sterile Spray advantages

Oxy Sterile Spray can help to:
  • Effectively complete your daily skin care with extra hydration and softness.
  • Improve skincare treatment.
  • Help to fix your make-up.
  • Support your skin's functions.
  • Refresh your skin leaving a youthful appearance.
  • Calm the skin after shaving or after sun exposition.
  • Help your skin to fight environmental pollution.

Oxy Sterile Spray can be used everyday and whenever you wish to freshen up, in every season and in every weather.
Oxy Sterile Spray can be used everyday and whenever you wish to freshen up, in every season and in every weather


Oxy Sterile Spray benefits

Oxy Sterile Spray can be used everyday and whenever you wish to freshen up, in every season and in every weather. Oxy Sterile Spray is the ideal multipurpose 24 hrs companion. 


Oxy Sterile Spray advantages

Oxy Sterile Spray can be used everyday and whenever you wish to freshen up, in every season and in every weather.


At home

To complete your daily skin care. To perfect your make-up style. For an effective after-shaving relief. For after-waxing relief.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits at home

At the office

To refresh and prevent from skin suffering from heating and air conditioning. To help your skin against environmental pollution. To give an instant fresh and youthful appearance during stressful moments.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits at the office

In the hotel

To complete the tool-box for your personal hygiene. To perfect your make-up style.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits in the hotel

At the fitness centre

To clean skin injuries. To refresh during your exercises. To obtain increased skin hydration.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits at the fitness centre

In the car

To moisturize your skin instantly. To perfectly clean and refresh your skin under any circumstances. To vitalize after travel fatigue.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits in the car

On the plane

To support the natural skin functions during your journey. To prevent the skin from drying out. To provide extra and quick hydration on request.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits on the plane

On the beach

To supply with extra hydration and refresh sun-stressed skin. To provide after-sun cooling.
Oxy Sterile Spray benefits on the beach