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BIOPTRON Color Light Set
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BIOPTRON Color Light Set

Bioptron Hyperlight Colour Therapy Brochure

Regeneration with new dimension

BIOPTRON Color Light Set for bioinformation on pressure points & chakra
BIOPTRON Color Light Set for chakra stimulation


Color is energy. Color is life. Color is therapy

Color is light and light is color

The sun emits light at different frequencies. These frequencies of light can be separated by a process called refraction. When light goes through a crystal prism, it refracts and divides into the seven colors of the spectrum. Each color has its own frequency.
If the separated colors go through another prism they will reform white light. The first person to demonstrate this phenomenon at the end of the 17th century was Isaac Newton, the great British physicist.

Color wavelengths and frequencies
Energy is considered to travel in waves. The distance between successive waves is called wavelength and the number of times a wave oscillates in one second is called frequency. As per general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Each color has its own characteristic
frequency and its individual wavelength. Only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the human eye.
Violet has the shortest wavelength while red has the longest.
Beyond violet lies ultraviolet which, although invisible to the human eye, can pass through our body. Ultraviolet is what provides us with a suntan and kills bacteria.
The longest wavelength at the other side of the spectrum given by, is red. Beyond red lies infrared followed by microwaves, radar, radio and television wavelengths, all invisible to the human eye. Red, orange and yellow, carried on longer wavelengths, seem to reach the eye faster than the colors on the other side of the spectrum. They are called warm colors as we associate them with fire and sunshine. Green, blue and violet are perceived as cool colors. They travel in shorter wavelengths, so they seem to take longer to reach our eyes; they bring to mind the water of the sea and rivers, the sky, the winter dawn. They are also called receding colors, because of the long time their energy takes to reach our eyes. Each warm color has its complementary cool color: red – blue, orange – indigo, yellow – violet, green – red (magenta).
Color wavelengths and frequencies
Infrared light
Visible light
UV light
of the eye

Reveal the power of color

Everybody feels dull and sluggish sometimes. Have you ever thought that perhaps you are surrounded by the wrong color? Colors are essential for our body and soul, and can keep our batteries charged. No matter what color you like to wear or surround yourself with, the seven colors of sunlight can influence us subconsciously.

The 7 colors of the rainbow
You know it very well. When the sun shines through the rain, you may see a rainbow in the sky.
As sunlight passes through the water droplets, it bends and splits into the colors of the rainbow. Sunlight is known as visible or white light and is actually a mixture of all visible colors. Rainbow is made up of seven colors because the water droplets break the white sunlight into the seven colors of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). The bigger the raindrops are, the brighter the rainbow will appear in the sky.

We can feel the colors
Color is energy. Every color has its own wavelength and frequency. As a result, we perceive color not only visually, but absorbing it subconsciously through our skin. When penetrating into our body, color produces chemical reactions that affect the function of various organs and systems. Color helps our skin “tissues” and organs to stock up on energy thus increasing the body’s resistance. This newly charged energy gives us strength to fight against

The color chakra therapy
Health is contingent upon balancing not only our physical needs, but our emotional, mental and spiritual needs as well. The color chakra therapy principle is based on the assumption, that colors are associated with seven main chakras, which are spiritual centres in our bodies located along the spine. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the specific area.
Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for "wheel". It is assumed, that chakras store and distribute energy. There are seven of these chakras and each is associated with a particular organ or system in the body. Each chakra has a dominant color, which may become imbalanced. If this happens, it can cause a disorder and physical ramifications. By introducing the appropriate color, the disorder is considered to be improved.
Below is a description of each chakra, its corresponding color and body area location.


The 7 colors of the rainbow

The color chakra therapy
Violet - crown chakra
Indigo - brow chakra
Blue - throat chakra
Green - heart chakra
Yellow - solar plexus chakra
Orange - sacral chakra
Red - base chakra



Colors and their qualities

Red represents health, fire, heat, blood, passion, will power, survival, anger, temper, danger, destruction. It stimulates, excites and acts as an irritant. It gives man a sense of power. It is used to energise, and encourage movement, instant response, passion. It is used for red traffic lights, the Red Cross, etc.
red color qualities
Orange is a happy, joyful, creative and warm color, combining physical energy with mental qualities. It is the color of creativeness and adaptability. It induces a general sense of well-being and cheerfulness. Orange symbolises warmth and prosperity and relates to self-respect: i.e. orange wall in dining rooms to promote family union, orange sunsets for relaxation.  
orange color qualities
Yellow is the color of intellect and perception. In the old days it was the color that symbolised life and joy. Yellow relates to self-worth and to how we feel about ourselves. It is the color of the personality and ego. It is psychologically good for despondent and melancholic conditions. It is the color for clear thinking, detachment, brightness, confidence, charm. For instance businessmen are suggested to wear yellow ties for self-confidence.  
yellow color qualities
Green is the color of love, progress, youth growth, inexperience, fertility, hope, balance and new life. It is also the color of jealousy, envy and superstition as it is the color of feelings. It is also a calming and quieting color. Worn by surgeons to calm the patient, green builds up the immune system. It also fight stress e.g. a walk through green fields promotes relaxation, etc.  
green color qualities
Blue is psychologically more soothing than green, in emotional conditions. It is the color for meditation and spiritual expansion, as it relaxes the mind. Blue is the color of truth, devotion, calmness and sincerity. It is the color of higher mental qualities. Blue relates to self-expression. It is the color of peace, comfort and reliability. Blue hospital signs support tranquillity, patience and health, while blue uniforms inspire security and reliability.  
blue color qualities
Indigo is psychologically a good color for discipline, structure, faith and efficiency. It is also considered to help clear away addictive emotions. Indigo brings up fears, encourages and inspires self-responsibility. It symbolises structure, focus and duty: e.g. dark blue-indigo business suits, school uniforms, etc.  
indigo color qualities
Violet is psychologically related to self-knowledge and spiritual awareness. Always considered to be a healing color, it encourages the union of ego and spirit. It is a powerful color and should not be used with children. As a relaxing, spiritual color it is used in churches, funerals (to feel closer to God for comfort and understanding), therapeutic rooms, old people’s homes; it takes people’s minds off daily worries.  
violet color qualities

Colors and personality traits

Red: Courageous, confident, humanistic, strong-willed, spontaneous, honest and extroverted. Colors and personality traits - red
Orange: Enthusiastic, happy, sociable, energetic, sporty, self-assured and constructive.  Colors and personality traits - orange
Yellow: Good-humoured, optimistic, confident, practical and intellectual.  Colors and personality traits - yellow
Green: Understanding, self-controlled, adaptable, sympathetic, compassionate, generous, humble, nature loving and romantic.  Colors and personality traits - green
Blue: Loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive, caring and cautious.  Colors and personality traits - blue
Indigo: Intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise and a truth seeker.  Colors and personality traits - indigo
Violet: Inspirational leaders, kindly and just, humanitarians, self-sacrificing, visionary, creative and mentally strong.  Colors and personality traits - violet

Colors of the zodiac

Color theory has much in common with astrology. Colors are ascribed to each sign of the zodiac, so it´s easy to learn which color you will need more in your lifetime.

20 Jan – 17 Feb
Electric blue
Colors of the zodiac - aquarius 

18 Feb – 19 Mar
Turquoises, purple, green
 Colors of the zodiac - pisces

20 Mar – 19 Apr
Colors of the zodiac - aries

20 Apr – 20 May
 Colors of the zodiac - taurus

21 May – 20 June
 Colors of the zodiac - gemini

21 June – 22 July
White, silver
 Colors of the zodiac - cancer

23 July – 22 Aug
 Colors of the zodiac - leo

23 Aug – 22 Sept
Light green, pale yellow
 Colors of the zodiac - virgo

23 Sept – 22 Oct
Blue, pink
 Colors of the zodiac - libra

23 Oct – 21 Nov
Black, wine red
 Colors of the zodiac - scorpio

22 Nov – 21 Dec
Purple, magenta
 Colors of the zodiac - sagittarius

22 Dec – 19 Jan
Deep blue, deep green, black
 Colors of the zodiac - capricorn

Colors as your first aid

Colors as your first aid


Color that can help you:
Poor concentration Yellow or violet
Shortness of breath Blue
Indigestion Yellow
Feeling the cold Red
Love problems Orange
Bereavement Pink or green
Stress Green
Persistent headaches Blue or violet