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Philip Zepter Jewellery
Fashion Jewellery
Magnetic Jewellery
About Health
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Philip Zepter Timepieces
Philip Zepter Writing Instruments
Philip Zepter Home Design


Modern, sophisticated and elegant, the jewellery and accessories collections are designed for women and men to enhance their style. Magnetic Therapy, jewels which offer beneficial effects for your health.

Fashion Jewellery

Magnetic Jewelllery

Zepter has introduced a unique range of exclusive costume jewellery. Our designers interpret all the latest fashions from around the world and put together seasonal collections of the highest quality.

The jewellery and accessory collection is modern, sophisticated and elegantly-designed to enhance the personal style of both women and men.
Each piece is hand-finished and plated in 18 ct gold or rhodium, featuring Swarovski crystals, cubic zirconia and Japanese pearls. The collection represents great value under the stamp of Zepter quality.


Common characteristics of Zepter Jewellery
It is well known that adorning oneself with jewellery demonstrates the ancient human need to attain beauty. Also, it is known that the making of jewellery was amongst the oldest forms of artistic creation. Man’s need to adorn himself has remained unchanged throughout the ages of civilisation and only the material and the techniques have changed. Both traditional skills of handiwork and the latest technology are applied in the production of Zepter jewellery.
Pieces of jewellery are coated with rhodium or gold. Rhodium is a precious metal like platinum and is recognisable by its wonderful white colour, shining gloss and extreme hardness.

The golden colour that we have selected for our jewellery comes from the Hamilton palette of colours. (It is a mixture of colours that makes gold acquire a sophisticated, warm nuance.) Gold is a symbol of the Sun, divine power, immortality and ancient purity of human nature.
During the final phase, pieces of jewellery are processed with a special technique, known only to the masters of artistic handiwork. Sand processing creates the smooth, matt surfaces and then each piece is polished by hand. Therefore, jewellery acquires a special fine nuance that cannot be achieved by any other technique. Pieces of jewellery are adorned with Swarovski crystals, known throughout the world for their exquisite quality. Swarovski is the world’s best and most famous maker of zircon and crystals.

Crystal symbolises purity, spiritual perfection and insight. The colours of the crystals symbolise the movements of body and mind. For instance, pink crystal symbolises dynamics, change whilst dark blue crystal symbolises truth, intellect, wisdom, peace and contemplation. Some pieces of jewellery are adorned with zircons, symbols of wisdom, honour and dignity. Zircon is a stone with a very high index of light refraction (only diamond has a higher index), which gives it an outstanding beautiful look and shine. Zircon is a material that permeates light in a characteristic manner by changing its direction and nuances. Only zircon doubly refracts light, an effect achieved through a special processing technique.

The colour of the zircon is affected by the crystal structure itself which transmits the light selectively. The zircon reflects the light in a way that shows the whole spectrum of the colours of the rainbow; a phenomenon called burning of the zircon. Some pieces of the jewellery are adorned with pearls, the basis of which being specially protected glass beads. Each bead has been vitrified internally and the process guarantees the high quality and resistance. The pearl symbolises purity, perfection and chastity.

Common characteristics of Zepter Jewellery

Pieces of jewellery are adorned with Swarovski crystals, known throughout the world for their exquisite quality.

The colours of the crystals symbolise the movements of body and mind.


How to take care of your jewellery
Jewellery has to be treated with care. Follow these simple rules and you will be able to enjoy your Zepter jewellery for a long time.

Always store each piece of jewellery separately to avoid items being scratched. This is particularly relevant to pearls.

Costume jewellery is damaged by direct contact with sprays such as hairspray, perfumes, deodorants or detergents and salt water.

When dressing always put your jewellery on last. Give time for the perfumes to actually dry so they do not interfere with the plating of the jewellery.

Take off your rings if you have to have your hands submerged in soapy water for some time or while doing other manual tasks. You should never let your rings come into contact with strong detergents and be careful not to expose your rings to hard knocks.

Never wear jewellery in the bath, in bed or whilst exercising. This can cause unreasonable stress and wear and tear.

Clean your jewellery pieces regularly using a very mild solution of cold / lukewarm water and carefully brush with a very soft toothbrush. Rinse the jewellery thoroughly before drying with a very soft cotton cloth.
Jewellery has to be treated with care.

Never wear jewellery in the bath, in bed or whilst exercising.