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Philip Zepter Jewellery
Fashion Jewellery
Hypnotic Signs
Sophisticated Deco
Romantic Mood
Enchanting Style
Sparkling Lights
Exclusive Desire
Charming Seduction
Exquisite Elegance
Intriguing Temptation
Timeless Charm
Sensual Appeal
Glamorous Brilliance
Fanciful Details
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Magnetic Jewellery
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Fanciful Details
Code P40905
Fanciful Details
Code P40904
Fanciful Details
Code P40903
Fanciful Details
Code P40902
Fanciful Details
Code P40901
Fanciful Details
Code C40906
Fanciful Details
Code C40907
Fanciful Details
Code C40909
Fanciful Details
Code C40908
Details give the clearest picture and express wholeness in the best possible way. The people who cherish tempting style and who are prone to experimenting will enjoy the brilliantly designed details that appear to come from a world of imagination. The imaginative creations of stylishly created brooches and wristbands will be loved by people who dislike the unexpected. Whether you choose the brooch in the shape of a fish, a terrier (with a green or black colour for the eyes) or ladybird (with red or blue stone), you and your original style will be noticed. It will also be emphasised by the wristbands with their unique style (with details in the shape of a cross, a stylised small chain or stylised small leaves).