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A satisfaction in conquering and a natural tendency toward power.
This collection, inspired by a great leader, joins personal strength and imperial luxury in perfect harmony with its composition of gold and royal blue in the geometric design of the pattern. Napoleon Blue linens breathe luxury into your bedroom and bathroom. They are intended for the determined and the strong, who demonstrate the power and the strength of a leader such as Napoleon.
Regal blue with a golden imperial design, the Napoleon collection works the best with warm, dark mahogany wood in dim light. This collection is made using the same laser technology as the Hollywood Gold line although it does not use the same fibres. This shows that Zepter has the ability to adapt ts machines for textiles to different structures,weight and durability.

A satisfaction in conquering and a natural tendency toward power.

Napoleon Blue linens breathe luxury into your bedroom and bathroom.

This collection, inspired by a great leader, joins personal strength and imperial luxury in perfect harmony

They are intended for the determined and the strong, who demonstrate the power and the strength of a leader such as Napoleon.

Regal blue with a golden imperial design, the Napoleon collection works the best with warm, dark mahogany wood in dim light.