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Dazzling days, magical nights, champagne glasses and... a touch of wild desire... That’s Hollywood for you!
Open the door and let the fascinating jet-set world in!
Wrap yourself in the essence of luxury with this golden collection... And dream on! Hollywood Gold was created for those who wish to feel like movie stars!
This collection is the most innovative of the four, as it represents a mix of classical and modern style. The so-called personalisation of the hem is done by laser cutting and applying plush. The decoration is the result of a special technology and uses laser engraving, cutting machines as well as manual work.
The Hollywood double bed set consists of a linen sheet, two pillow cases and bed sack. The material used for the Hollywood Gold Double bed is truly special.

Dazzling days, magical nights, champagne glasses and... a touch of wild desire

The Hollywood double bed set consists of a linen sheet, two pillow cases and bed sack.

This collection is the most innovative of the four, as it represents a mix of classical and modern style.

Hollywood Gold was created for those who wish to feel like movie stars!

Open the door and let the fascinating jet-set world in!