Health might seem to be a luxury – but with TUTTOSTEAMY it becomes a natural state of being.
The number of people suffering from dermatitis, asthma, allergies is growing each year, and many health experts attribute this to the low quality of indoor air and the use of inadequate cleaning methods. International research carried out by different agencies has indicated that many of the main causes can be found in our own homes: cheap building materials, chemical household cleaning supplies, smoke, moulds and dust mites are all causing us and our children to develop and suffer from allergy attacks and asthma - and we spend at least 90% of our time indoors.
These tiny dust particles and mites are hard to get rid of, and most vacuum cleaners do little more than spread them back into the air. An ordinary vacuum bag just can’t filter out the particles that are so small, causing headaches, sickness, breathing problems, allergy reactions or dizziness. TUTTOSTEAMY is designed with this in mind.
Dust is made up of very small particles, microscopic fibres, soot, viruses and mites. One gram of dust can contain up to 19.000 dust mites: microscopic creatures living, breathing and dying. Dust mites are microscopic acari that feed on organic detritus such as flacks of shed human skin - they are also the most common cause for asthma and allergies worldwide. Pollen and pet fur can worsen the problem. Dust mites survive well in: mattresses, carpets, furniture and beddings. Our pillow might be home to 40 million mites. For example: the average age of the pillow is 6 years, by which time, around 10% of its weight will be made of dead skin, mites and mites dung.
Detergents can keep dust mites under control but what about our health and the health of our family. Our homes are filled with man-made substances that include all sorts of synthetic chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens linked to different types of cancer. High concentrations of the cleaning products can remain on the surfaces, in fabrics and in the air for a long time after we cleaned, so we are touching and breathing in harmful chemicals.
TUTTOSTEAMY enables us to easily rid ourselves of dirt, dust mites, and any other microscopic creatures living in our homes; and much more than this, without adding expensive and poisonous, chemicals to our lives, using only the natural power of steam.
Zepter has once again set the health standard for the future.